Thursday, 17 May 2012


As it seems, this concept - which since the early 19th century has been used to refer to "a person with no 'breeding', wether mere labourers or vulgar social climbers; someone with an exaggerated respect for high social position (or wealth) who looks down on those (regarded as) socially inferior" - has suffered a shift in meaning along the passing of time. In fact, in derives from the latin expression sine nobilitate, meaning 'without nobility' (title, inheritance, of humble backgrounds). It started as a definition of a class to become the definition of (another) class! 
Actually, the word itself, and this is what is funny, whatever the meaning kept on any given time, always acted as an excluding term, in a negative way, from a certain group of people.

People are strange...

"My existence is too noble so that I am but property to anyone. So that I am second in command, or a mere officious instrument of any sovereign state of this world."

Henry Thoreau

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


I believe everything has to do with balance, in the universe. Polarity rules every aspect of existence, in terms of quantity and/or quality. We cannot escape our condition of being sort of in between the poles, hence the primordial question "why something, rather than nothing?"
But given the inefficiency of that question, we proceed "why this, and not that?" This is where all things are worthy, decisions made difficult and faith, optimism, pessimism, delusion, sanity... may occur. 
We just have to make up our minds. Achieve some consensus, and stop being the motif of our own demise.

Peace and love


Thursday, 3 May 2012


Home is where the heart is.

Many times I've wanted to leave, and most times I still do, but it will always be home. Maybe that's the thing about home - it's a sense of belonging. Maybe you have to feel good about life to feel like you have a home. The world is not the same for an unhappy person as it is for someone who has a sense of fulfillment; in this interpretation, there are as many worlds as there are people. Respect and trust you'll be respected, and everyone should find a home of their own. I wish everybody could experience that sense of belonging, not only to a place, but also to a race - the human race. 

And it's the longest most important race of all, one you can't afford being second to anyone.

Peace and love

